Bag sewing machines in Kemirtogan online-store Altyn Pack,TOO | Buy Bag sewing machines Kemirtogan (Kazakhstan) inexpensively | Altyn Pack,TOO : Allbiz
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Altyn Pack,TOO
+7 (707) 539-97-01

Bag sewing machines

Sack stitching machines
In stock | Wholesale and retail 
25000 KZT
GK9 - 3 Production China is expected 600 thousand bags
Group: Bag sewing machines
Bag sewing machines
In stock 
35000 KZT
Group: Bag sewing machines
Bag sewing machines
In stock | Wholesale and retail 
Price from:
3000000 KZT
Group: Bag sewing machines
Sack stitching machines
In stock | Wholesale and retail 
25000 KZT
GK9 - 3 Production China is expected 600 thousand bags
Group: Bag sewing machines


Unbelievable price on Bag sewing machines in Kemirtogan (Kazakhstan) company Altyn Pack,TOO. Wide choice of quality products at affordable prices.